Ads Publishing Rules

Welcome to our classified ads section! To ensure a safe and positive experience for everyone, please review and abide by the following guidelines:


General Guidelines:


Images required: Make your ad stand out with a picture.
Accuracy: All information in your ad must be accurate and truthful.
Clarity: Write clear and concise descriptions to effectively communicate your ad's purpose.
Appropriateness: Refrain from offensive language, discriminatory content, or any material that violates our Terms of Use.
Legal Compliance: Adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including those governing intellectual property, privacy, and prohibited items.

Prohibited Items:


The following items are strictly prohibited:

Illegal substances or activities
Weapons (including firearms, ammunition, and replicas)
Tobacco products
Adult content or services
Animals (except for adoption from legitimate shelters or rescues)
Counterfeit goods
Stolen property
Prescription drugs
Personal contact information (except in designated fields)
Misleading or deceptive content
Hateful or discriminatory content

Posting Restrictions:


Duplicates: Do not post multiple ads for the same item or service.
Frequency: Limit posting frequency to avoid spamming.
Commercial Use: Businesses may be required to use designated categories or features.
External Links: Do not include external links in ad descriptions, except when explicitly permitted.

Additional Guidelines:


Category Selection: Choose the most appropriate category for your ad.
Contact Information: Provide accurate and verifiable contact information.
Images and Videos: Use clear and relevant images or videos, ensuring you have the rights to use them.
Review: Proofread your ad carefully before posting.
Updates: Keep your ad up-to-date and remove it once the item or service is no longer available.
Moderation: We reserve the right to remove any ads that violate these guidelines or our Terms of Use.

By posting an ad, you agree to these guidelines and our Terms of Use.


Thank you for your cooperation!


If you have any questions, please contact us.